科(kē)技(jì )以人為(wèi)本,生命健康至上。
Technology is people-oriented. Life and health are paramount.
科(kē)发立足健康生命服務(wù),整合國(guó)内外资源优势,专注运动科(kē)學(xué)材料、精(jīng)准医(yī)疗药物(wù)、医(yī)疗器械等产(chǎn)品研发、生产(chǎn)和销售,致力于生物(wù)科(kē)技(jì )和医(yī)药领域的合作(zuò)与开发,旨在向客户提供全方位、多(duō)样化的医(yī)疗服務(wù)与解决方案。
Based on health and life services, KOFA integrates the advantages of domestic and foreign resources, focuses on the R&D, production and sales of sports science materials, precision medical drugs, and other products, and sales of medical devices. It is committed to the development and cooperation in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine, aiming to provide customers with comprehensive and diversified medical services and solutions.